Today’s media-rich environment supports a wide array of communications channels, including print, telephone, e-mail, websites, radio, television, and wireless devices. While this mix offers great versatility, it also increases the volume of messages vying for consumers’ attention.
To break through the din, marketing and creative professionals are faced with the challenge of producing communication campaigns that deliver relevant, graphically rich information that targets specific recipients in their preferred method of communications. That’s a tall order.
Variable Data Publishing (VDP) solutions are meeting this challenge today.
Personalization Works!
Using your customer or subscriber database information, COP can create a tailor-made campaign for each mail piece. That makes every brochure, catalogue, or postcard personalized to the individual who receives it.
Studies show that full color, personalized documents increase customer response rates over traditional methods by as much as 135 percent!
With COP Variable Data Software, any Adobe InDesign CS2 or CS3 file will allow our premedia department to produce powerfully-personalized, visually-rich 1:1 communications that get each individualĀ“s attention and result in significantly higher response rates to direct marketing programs.
Why limit personalization to just a name? Increase the relevancy of your documents by personalizing the combination of visuals too. For example, change the color schemes to appeal to a different locale, change type styles per age group, show a picture of a the specific product model each customer purchased or display special offers only to credit card holders.
The possibilities are unlimited.

COP process allows our staff to put variable text on a curve, display or hide layers, add drop shadows and transparent effects. Utilize copy fitting or autoflow for differing variable story lengths. Immediately see WYSIWYG previews at any stage in the design process for customer review.
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